Nuclear Issues and Missile Defence
Pugwash’s enduring focus remains on nuclear weapons, acknowledging them as a persistent existential risk in the twenty-first century. Through ongoing dialogue, we confront the complexities of this issue, striving for effective strategies to mitigate their threats. Join us in navigating the terrain of nuclear security and forging a safer more peaceful future.
Nuclear Podcast
Nuclear Literature
Ethics and Dual-Use Concerns of Life Science
In today’s scientific landscape, the fusion of biochemistry, neuroscience, immunology, and biotechnology presents both promise and dual-use concerns. This interdisciplinary synergy delves into the molecular intricacies of brain function, immune responses, and biotechnological advancements. While offering transformative treatments and insights into human biology, it also necessitates vigilance against potential misuse and ethical considerations.
Life Sciences Literature List
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Cyber, AI, Quantum Computing
Land, Ocean & Space
Dual use phenomena permeate across land, ocean, and space domains, blurring the lines between civilian and military applications. Land-based infrastructure, marine technologies, and space exploration assets often serve both civilian and military purposes, posing complex challenges in terms of security and ethical considerations. As technology advances, addressing the dual-use nature of these domains becomes increasingly critical for policymakers and society.